History: Men from major Texas cities (including Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin), have banded together against established security threat groups like the T.S.,Mexican Mafia, T.C.B's, Barrio Aztecas & P.R.M's. Each regional group is individually called a "Tango". "Tangos" began forming in the 1970's and started "blasting" in the late 1980's. The term Tango Blast, in actuality, does not refer to a seperate group. Rather, it refers to the idea that a particular Tango chapter is more active than another Tango chapter. Some Tango members say that Tango is an acronym for "TogetherAgainst Negative Gang Organizations". However, Tango originally meant somethinglike "hometown clique".

Structure: Although often referred to as a prison gang, Tango Blast is different than traditional prison gangs such as Mexikanemi and the Texas Syndicate, lacking the typically strict hierarchy of those organizations. The Texas Department of Public Safety classifies Tango Blast as a "loose affiliation" gang, with "relaxed membership requirements and little to no detectable leadership hierarchy. While those more structured organizations, known as Security Threat Groups, will have a variety of structures, Tango members in a particular area of a correctional facility will elect a "speaker", to speak for that area of the facility and will not have a constitution that governs how the members must behave. Tango Blast members do not have to follow orders, attend organizational meetings or pay other Tango members to be active. They also do not have to participate in any gang activities when they are out of prison. There is no consistent pathway for initiation into a Tango. Rather, each individual set of Tango members determines who it admits and by what methods. One initiation method is called a "Heart Check" or "TOH"(Test of heart) in which the potential member must engage in physical combat with 2 or more members. Provided that he does not surrender during the melee he is induced to the gang. However, membership can usually only be acquired in prison and not in jails or on the streets. Collectively, the tangos from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Austin and Houston are known as the original 4 Horsemen. Individual Tango members use regionally appropriate symbols as tattoos to identify the tango to which they belong. Generally, Tango members identify themselves by sport team logos or area codes from their home town or region.
Tango from Houston:
Houstone or H-Towne members, often use the Houston Astros & Houston TexanSymbol star.
Tango from Dallas:
D-towne members, may use the Dallas Cowboys star.
Tango from Fort Worth:
Foritos or FTW members, ofen use the 817 area code, a star with 817 in thecenter siilar to a pentagram.
Tango from Austin:
La Capirucha or ATX members, may use the Texas Capitol building star.These four Tangos represent the earliest Tangos to form Puro Tango Blast.
Other areas of Texas have their own Tangos, notably West Texas (Puro West or Wesos), often displaying a "432" or a "325" star. The word West, or a WT in tattoos. The valley (Vallucos), may use the "956" star.
San Antonio (San Anto's or Orejones), may use the Spurs Team Logo. Corpus Christi (Charcos). San Antonio (San Anto's or Orejones), may use the Spurs Team Logo. Corpus Christi (Charcos). The United States federal prison system started incarcerating Tango members so the presence of Tangos are now in other states aswell. For example, Tangos from New Mexico might use stars or logos from sports team or state universities from the state of New Mexico. In the city of El Paso, Texas they are known as "Chucos" or "EPT" and they may use a star with the numbers "915" inside of it or the star from the mountain in downtown El Paso. El Paso is also known as "El Pachuco Town"...
Tangos from Other Countries:

History channel, in their series "gangland", dedicated an episode to a description of Puro Tango Blast in episode 12 of season 5. The episode's name is "Deadly Blast".
Every Tango uses the number "16" which stands for the letter "p" in the english alphabet. Some members will choose to not mark themselves with any visible symbols as to not be identify on the streets once they get out. Tango members are not suppose to tell on how they get down in prison. The first founding members were generally hispanic men mostly from Mexican descent. Today Tango has members from different races and they remain the biggest group in the Texas State Penitentiaries and Prison system.
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